Vanilla Reception Punch

Michelle Nielsen

For many years in Chicago our Christmas Eve tradition was to go to a party at the Bishop's house that included a potluck dinner, nativity, Christmas carols, and Santa - and this yummy punch made by our Bishop's amazing wife Yolanda. Their party always ended early so we could all go home and participate in our own family traditions. It made for a perfect night!

1 (12 oz.) can frozen limeade
1 (2 liter) bottle Sprite, room temperature
2 cups vanilla syrup *
1 small bag ice (7 lb.)

Vanilla syrup*
2 cups water
2 cups sugar
1 tsp. vanilla

Boil water and sugar for 5 minutes. Take off heat and add vanilla. Let cool completely. In large punch bowl pour limeade, Sprite, and vanilla syrup; stir. Fill to top with ice. Mix very well.


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