Holiday Ham

JoAnn Hinckley

This is how we cook our ham for all our holiday dinners. The recipe comes from my daughter, Mary.
You need a Cook's brand ham (available at Macey's and Smith's) and it must be the "butt" portion. Cut off the fat, and put it in a roasting pan, flat side down. Pack one bag of brown sugar fairly tightly around the ham. You don't want to see much of the meat--just the sugar. Wrap a couple of layers of tinfoil tightly around the opening of the pan and then put the lid on. (If you don't have a roasting pan, you can use a 9 x 13 if you wrap several layers of foil over the meat. You want to seal in the juices.). Cook the ham at 300 degrees for 2 hrs. Pull it out of the oven, remove the foil and spoon the juices back over the ham, at this point, most of the sugar will have dissolved. Spoon the juices over the ham for five minutes or so to keep it moist. Replace the foil, and put it back in the oven at 275 degrees for three more hours. At that point, the ham is done! You can pull it apart with a fork and it is so moist it will divide nicely. Enjoy!


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